Saturday, 22 December 2018


I rarely believe in superstitious events that happens around the world. But one event ignited a spark in my mind and pushed me forward to put this incident in my blog.....

One fine day when i was in my house doing my stuffs i happened to listen to my mom speaking with  my neighbor . I tend to listen to their conversation as it is one of my hobbies ЁЯШБЁЯШБЁЯШБ but this day the topic seemed to be  quite interesting which pulled me into their conversation fully .............

As they were speaking my neighbor was dragging my mom into a story. she told my mom that this story was told to her by a  gospel preacher.  The story started in a traditional way like .....,,,,,, long long ago ,,,,,,,, There lived a king  ,,,,,,,,,,, who was a great ruler,,,,,,,,, who kept his kingdom very rich and happy all his people lived very happily. One fine day the king set for sail to explore the world and to capture different lands. Unfortunately it was stormy night for the King the day he set for sail , The waves were roaring the sea was showing her anger which was so hard that the waves were so high it nearly flooded the ship with sea water, it was a new and hard experience for the the King and his soldiers , It nearly imposed a fear into them , the storm began to get more stronger as the time passed the ship was out of control it was moving in the direction of the winds the ship was rocking back and forth very hard in the ocean , the fear started growing inside everyone as it became a situation were they are in position that they cannot go back,  they cannot as for help , everything was out of their hands .       

The king felt helpless and he released  that the only thing he can do is he can only pray for something good to happen. so, He started praying to the almighty by hold the cross which he had tightly in his hand, The boat began to oscillate widely and he fell off the ship tripping  into the sea when he opened  his eyes he realized that he was safely lying on the shore of an island he started to realize that he was all alone there was no ship nor his crew with him ,he also realized  that  the cross he had in his hands were also  missing . After sometime a crab was touching |the shore bed carrying a cross on its shell . The King looked at it and  he took the cross in his hands the crab just crawled away, But when the King looked at its shell he started to notice that the  mark of the cross was imprinted onto  its shell and he was so shocked  to see it !!!!

He thought that it was just a deli-ma  and left it as a imaginary fact BUT!!!!! it didn't end their every year at the same season in which he traveled and came back alive he saw crabs with a cross mark in its shell only in the specific time   .........

Well that was a shock to the King, But what made me Shock was we had two crab shells in our house which had the cross imprinted in it....... I was so fascinated by the story that how it had a link or connection with what i had with me for years....

the story ends .....
i liked  to share   this incident with you guys now is just because this is christmas time the birth month of Christ....  that's the only reason why i remembered this

To all the people out there ....................

These are the picture of shells i have 

This  looks like angle  

This looks like cross 

Sunday, 21 January 2018


                  роЕройைро╡ро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роОройродு роЕрой்рокாро░்рои்род ро╡рогроХ்роХроо் !!! роОрой் рокродிро╡ுроХро│ை рокроЯிрод்род роТро░ு ро╡ாроЪроХро░ிрой் ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокрод்родிро▒்роХு роЗрогроЩ்роХ роОрой்ройுроЯைроп роЗрои்род рокродிро╡ை 
(рооூрой்ро▒ாро╡родு рокродிро╡ை) роироо் родாроп் рооொро┤ிропாрой родрооிро┤் рооொро┤ிропிро▓் рокродிро╡ு роЪெроп்роХிро▒ேрой். 
            роХீро┤்ро╡ро░ுроо் роОройродு рокродிро╡ிро▓் роПродேройுроо் рокிро┤ை роЗро░ுрои்родாро▓் роОрой்ройை роорой்ройிрод்родு родிро░ுрод்родுрооாро▒ு ро╡ேрог்роЯுроХிро▒ேрой்.


                          роЪிро▓ро░ுроХ்роХு роЗро▒ை роироо்рокிроХ்роХை роЙрог்роЯு роЪிро▓ро░ுроХ்роХு роЗро▓்ро▓ை. роПродேройுроо் роТро░ு родро░ுрогроо் роироо்рокிроХ்роХை ро╡ро░ роХாро░рогрооாроХ роЕрооைропுроо் !! роироо்рокிроХ்роХை роЗро┤роХ்роХро╡ுроо் роЪிро▓ родро░ுрогроЩ்роХро│் роЕрооைропுроо் !! роЕродு роЕройைрод்родுроо் роЕро╡ро░் роЕро╡ро░ро╡ро░் ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокு ро╡ெро▒ுрок்рокுроХро│ுроХ்роХு роЗрогроЩ்роХ роЕрооைрод்родிроЯுроо் .

                       роЗро▒ைро╡рой் роОрой்ро▒ாро▓் роОрой்рой ??? роЗро▒ைро╡рой் роОрой்ро▒ு роТро░ுро╡ро░் роЙрог்роЯோ?? роЗрок்рокроЯிропுроо் роЪிро▓ро░் роХேро│்ро╡ி роХேроЯ்рокро░் !! роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роОрой்ройுроЯைроп рокродிро▓் "роТро░ு роЪроХ்родி роироо் рооройродை родூроп்рооை роЪெроп்родு роиро▓்ро╡ро┤ிропிро▓் роироЯроХ்роХ ро╡ைроХ்роХுроо் роХрог்рогுроХ்роХு родெро░ிропாрод роироо்рокிроХ்роХை родாрой் роХроЯро╡ுро│்" роЗро▒ைро╡рой் роТро░ுро╡ро░ே роиாроо் роЕро╡ро░ை ро╡ро┤ிрокроЯுроо் рооுро▒ைропுроо் роЗроЯрооுроо் родாрой் ро╡ேро▒ுрокроЯுроХிро▒родு роЗродுро╡ே роОрой் роХро░ுрод்родு !! 

                           роЗрои்род родொроХுрок்рокிро▓் родிроЯீро░ெрой роиாрой் роЗро▒ைро╡ройை рокро▒்ро▒ி роХூро▒ роХாро░рогроо் роОрой் роЪро░ாроЪро░ி роиாро│ிро▓் роироЯрод்род роТро░ு роЪроо்рокро╡рооே. роЕроЪ்роЪроо்рокро╡род்родை рокро▒்ро▒ி роХீро┤்ро╡ро░ுроо் ро╡ро░ிроХро│ிро▓் роХூро▒ிропுро│்ро│ேрой்...!!

                      роЕрой்ро▒ு роТро░ு роиாро│் рооாро▓ை ро╡ேро│ைропிро▓் роиாройுроо் роОрой் роЪிро▓ роирог்рокро░்роХро│ுроо் роЙро░ைропாроЯி роХொрог்роЯு роЗро░ுрод்родோроо். роЕродிро▓் роТро░ு роирог்рокро░் роХிро▒ிрод்родுро╡ роирог்рокро░ை роиோроХ்роХி , "роТро░ே роХроЯро╡ுро│் 'роЗропேроЪு' рокிрой்рокு роПрой் роЙроЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХுро│் рокிро│ро╡ு" ??? роЪிро▓ро░் роЗропேроЪு роХроЯро╡ுро│ை ро╡рогроЩ்роХுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░் роЪிро▓ро░் рооாродா родாропாро░ை ро╡рогроЩ்роХுроХிрой்ро▒ройро░் роПрой் роЗрок்рокроЯி роОрой роЕрои்род роирог்рокро░் ро╡ிройா роОро┤ுрок்рок роОроЩ்роХро│родு роХிро▒ிрод்родுро╡ роирог்рокро░்роХро│் роЕро╡ро░ிроЯроо் рокро▓ рокродிро▓்роХро│ை роХூро▒ிропுроо் роЕро╡ро░் роЕродройை роПро▒்ро▒ுроХ்роХொро│்ро│ாрооро▓் рооீрог்роЯுроо் рооீрог்роЯுроо் ро╡ிройро╡ிроХ்роХ .... роЕроЩ்роХு роЕрооро░்рои்родு роЗро░ுрои்род роиாройோ роЕроЩ்роХிро░ுрои்родு роОродோ роТро░ு роЪிрои்родройைропுроЯрой் роЪро▒்ро▒ு родூро░роо் роироХро░்рои்родு роЪெрой்ро▒ு роЪிро▒ுродு роиேро░роо் роХро┤ிрод்родு ро╡ிройро╡ிропро░ிроЯрооே роТро░ு роХேро│்ро╡ிропை роОро┤ுрок்рокிройேрой்.... 

         "роЙро▓роХை роХாроХ்роХுроо் роХроЯро╡ுро│் роОрой роЕро┤ைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯுроо் рокெро░ுрооாро│ிрой் роЕро╡родாро░рооாрой роХிро░ுро╖்рог рокро░рооாрод்рооாро╡ை роЕройைро╡ро░ுроо் ро╡рогроЩ்роХ ... роЕро╡ро░родு родாропாро░ை роПрой் роироо்рооிро▓் роЪிро▓ро░் роороЯ்роЯுроо் рокாроЯро▓்роХро│ிрой் рооூро▓роо் рокோро▒்ро▒ுроХிрой்ро▒ோроо்"?? роиாрой் роХேроЯ்роЯ роХேро│்ро╡ிроХ்роХு роЗрой்ро▒ுро╡ро░ைропிро▓ுроо் роОройроХ்роХு рокродிро▓் роХிроЯ்роЯро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை. роОройிройுроо் роОрой் роХேро│்ро╡ி родро╡ро▒ு роЗро▓்ро▓ை роОрой்ро▒ே роОрог்рогுроХிрой்ро▒ேрой் !!!

(роХுро▒ிрок்рокு: родாропாро░் -- ро╡ாроЪுроХி рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ропроЪோродா роЗро░ுро╡ро░ைроХ்роХுроо் роХுро▒ிроХ்роХுроо்)
